Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where to begin?

So last night I wanted Bill Maher's Religulous. Overall, great movie with great points. A couple of things I did not like about it: 1) it was obviously clipped together in a way that made the interviewees look uneducated and dumb. If Maher's point was really "doubt" and that nobody knows the truth, he should not have set out to make religious people look as ridiculous as he did. It went against his proposed point. 2) I did not like his portrayal of Islam. He very much attempted to show it as being an incredibly violent religion. I don't think he did justice to the faith, and I also don't believe he drew as many parallels between Christianity and Islam.

I was a big fan of the movie overall. Despite my critiques of it, I do believe that it had quite a few good points.

One of which was similar to the one I made in a conversation I recently had with an old friend. We were discussing religion, and the current state of the environment came up. I have a large problem with religions predicting the end of the world because it seems as though a lot of religious people are saying that the current environmental problems could be the beginning of the end of the world as predicted by their religions. HOWEVER, with this comes a lack of responsibility for each of our roles in the degredation of our world around us. That's one of my biggest problems with religion. A complete lack of responsibility for actions.

I mean let's take Christianity. God knows that we are all sinners. That's why she let her son die: for our sins. So as sinners, it is ok to sin as long as we repent and still believe that Jesus is the son of god. Well, you know...I take major issue with this. It is SO easy to say that we are all going to sin. No one is perfect. The only perfect person was jesus. That allows us to sleep at night. We don't have to be responsible for our actions. Now don't get me wrong, I have fucked up my fair share of times and did things I should not have done, but I have to deal with what I did. I don't trun to some go to ask for forgiveness. I deal with it within myself.

I am learning that there is a lot of power in my atheism, and I do need to be more vocal about it than I have been in the past because it is something that I feel quite strongly about.

So today, I was incredibly excited because I don't have to be at work until noon, so that means I get to watch the View! However, I turned on the tv to see that the cast of the View was at Disneyland, and Cinderella was right there with them. Now I did not even watch the entire show because I was so frustrated. Cinderella was standing behind the other girls, and she did not say a single word (except Thank you as she walked off). That's my EXACT problem with Fairy Tales. Any woman that I have respect for has a VOICE! She has an opinion on something. She speaks.

And this goes beyond stupid fairy tales (which I have TONS of problems with), I have realized that I enjoy surrounding myself with people that stand up for themselves and have a voice. I spent a lot of my life trying to be everything for everyone else, and for all intents and purposes, I had no voice. However, I have worked REALLY hard over the past few years to develop and explore my voice. And I enjoy people who have done the same. I don't care if a person's opinions are the complete opposite of mine, I just respect people who have some sort of an opinion and voice.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gender Relationships

The mind is not asleep just yet...

So I was reading this article on Feministing.com, and I came across this way of looking at the gender roles within a relationship that was new to me. Well a little background is that there is a woman who is dating a man who enjoys cross-dressing. The woman wants to be alright with it, but it is causing problems in her, the relationship, (ugh damn oxford commas! I don't know if I need one there or not!) and their sex life. So, the woman wrote into another woman, and here is an excerpt from her response.

"Gender matters in relationships. I don't mean gender as in sex. I mean gender as the percentage we want our partners to be masculine and feminine. You found someone whose percentage worked for you - both sexually and in a relationship - now that percentage has changed. What does this mean for your own percentage?"

Now I admit that I am going to work this out on here. I haven't given much thought to this yet, so some of my comments may be ignorant at first. Hopefully they will work their way into some intelligent synthesis.

I am thinking about the proportions of the different genders (masculine and feminine) within relationships in my life. The typical ones are the least interesting (no offense). I mean I have one friend who is uber-girly (in a wonderful way), so obviously the guy that she is dating is super masculine. They seem to fit together in a predictable yin-yang kind of way.

But what about other relationships that aren't as cut and dry? If you have a masculine, straight woman, is she going to be attracted to a more feminine man? Or, is it just each person has his or her own comfort level and desired level of each gender within the relationship?

I am trying to sort out my feelings regarding this gendered outlook on relationships. In a way it makes sense. But on another level, I think it kind of perpetuates the socialized definitions of "masculine" and "feminine." I also think that it can easily be used to perpetuate these standardized roles within relationships. It is just odd to think of someone as a percentage feminine and a percentage masculine. I can't put my finger on what bothers me about it exactly, but I know something does. I think just the usage of the words bothers me for some weird reason.

I think the woman was basically saying that because the girl now knows that her boyfriend cross-dresses, his masculine to feminine ratio has been altered. He is now more feminine. But does cross-dressing necessarily make a man feminine? I am trying to think of real-life examples. Let's take Ellen Degeneres for an example. I think she partakes in cross-dressing (at a VERY socially-acceptable level). She wears stereotypically "male" clothing. I think that people do deem her to be more masculine.

BUT, what I find interesting is the sex appeal of a woman wearing men's clothing as well. There's that rock band commercial (or guitar hero...don't know) in which they are re-enacting the infamous scene from Risky Business. I think most men would agree that when Heidi Klum is wearing the underware and man's white collared shirt, there is nothing "masculine" about it.

So, maybe that's where I have the problem. It is not that the usage of the concept of a masculine-feminine percentage of a person, it is the leap from a man cross-dressing to him obviously being more feminine.

Hmmm....still can't wrap my head around it right now. Something to think about though....

Oh yea...

It's international women's day. rock on. word.

Sadly nothing exciting

So this weekend is over, and I hate to report that my mind did not stumble onto too many fabulous things over the past few days. Therefore, nothing too exciting to report. However, I am incredibly excited about some new book purchases.

First off, I am finishing up Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. Rock on Margaret. This book is pretty stellar. Atwood is a well-known feminist writer, and the way that she intertwines feminist issues into a novel such as Blind Assassin is pretty badass. Rock on.

I cashed my tips and of course found myself at the used bookstore to see what I could get for $14 bucks. I walked out with some treasures. I of course bought another Tom Robbins book. He just is so damn progressive with how he writes. Vonnegut-esc, and we all know I love Vonnegut. So yea, I picked up "Even Cowgirls get the Blues."

I also FINALLY purches a copy of Madame Bovary. Super excited to delve into this one at some point in time.

I also made a much-needed addition to my ever-growing book collection: A Brave New World. I don't know how, but this one has slipped lower and lower on my book list over the past few years (embarrassingly, I know), and I have yet to have ever read it.

So yea, three new purchases plus many more on my list to borrow from Sarah. Ha Sarah and I joke all the time about moving in together and how amazing it is going to be. We are going to have the most kick ass book collection ever.

So other than a few book purchases, I also got certified as a barista at Caribou. Pretty sweet huh? I make a mean latte.....

Final thought before I try to get sleepy (work at 5 am), Damien Rice is amazing. 9 might be one of the best cds I have listened to in a while. Fits my mood pretty perfectly right now.

Hoping to have something worth reading to throw down on here in the next couple of days....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

More Randomness

I love Rachel Maddow. Thanks to the rents for introducing me to her. Unfortunately I don't get to watch her as much as I would like. However, two of my worlds collided today. Yes, Rachel Maddow was on The View. Because of work I couldn't watch it as it aired, but trust me, I checked it out on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjZmErjFhK4

She is just awesome. Sometimes I just laugh though when people who are gay are asked about their "coming out" moment. Haha. I think it is so ridiculous that it is still such a big deal. I mean seriously, I don't remember having to have a conversation with my parents telling them that I think I like boys ha. Well, sexuality is just ridiculous anyway. I don't feel the need to define my sexuality. Is that weird? I don't think so. Sometimes I just want to shake things up a bit. It's so funny how everything has to be black or white. Think about it, when you first see a person, your brain has been trained to immediately identify the person as male or female, black or white, gay or straight. Those are the thoughts that immediately and normally sub-consciously go through your head. Isn't that just crazy? That's something I am actively attempting to reprogram within myself. A little gray never killed anyone, and honestly, I am finding it liberating.

It's just so funny how society has to place people into boxes. Democrat or republican. Male or female. Black or white. Gay or straight. Believer or "non-believer". Citizen or immigrant. Conformist or social deviant.

Come on people, let's open our minds. There exists other options. Remember those multiple choice tests we used to take?

A. Democrat
B. Republican
C. None of the above
D. Both A & B

Let's start opening our minds to options C and D. It can apply in all the situations I mentioned earlier. I mean, think about it....

A. Straight
B. Gay
C. None of the above
D. Both A & B

Go ahead and apply it to the others. Allow your mind to open up a little bit and not be so set in stone. Liberate yourself. Liberate others.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Random thoughts

So many random things have been going through my head recently that I haven't been able to sit down and write one blog on one topic. So I guess this is just some random thoughts that have been stirring up some emotion of some sort in me....

So I haven't eaten meat in two months. I am not calling myself a "vegetarian" because it is something that I am still working on and still developing my full thoughts on. I am not eating meat for ethical reasons, and it feels wonderful. I try to live life like Ghandi said "be the change you wish to see in the world." I understand that me (one person) not eating meat and not partaking in the animal cruelty that exists in our culture is not going to make a huge difference, but I also believe that I should know that I am at least acting as I wish every did. So I guess I get some peace in that. Something that I have found incredibly interesting throughout this process of giving up meat is the reaction of other people. It is incredibly laughable at times when people who obviously do not spend much time being concerned about the vitamins they are putting into their body are quick to grill me on how I am getting enough protein and B12. I am really curious how many people think on a daily basis if they got all their nutrients for the day. I also think it is interesting when people get all worked up about ME not eating meat. It's just such a funny situation. I have come to the conclusion that anyone who has that much of a problem with it and takes it personally is basically just having internal turmoil. It is just interesting...

Something else that was brought up today during work was this country's weird relationship with breasts. It is amazing how breasts at one moment can be such wonderful, glorified things. On tv, you can see breasts thrown into every sex scene. When viewed as solely sexual objects, Americans eat that shit up. However, the second a woman uses her breasts to feed her children, she should be ashamed. It's so funny. People don't get all worked up about women flashing their breasts during Mardi Gras at a parade, but if a woman breast feeds in public, she is a disgrace. Bizarre. Think about it people....

I have written three different versions on a blog about love and my struggles with it. I can't seem to put it all into words, so that one is hopefully coming in the near future....

I have decided that I am going to be that crazy person that is standing on the street corners holding a cardboard sign saying "the end is near." Last night when I couldn't sleep (despite having to be up at 3am this morning), I of course found myself watching the history channel. It was a special on Nostradamus and this prophecies. Holy shit. I am freaking out and am slightly convinced that the world is going to end in 3 years. As horrible as it is, I found one thing REALLY funny. One of the prophecies of his is in regards to volcanic activity. Well, apparently Yellowstone is in the freaking red zone (did anyone know this???) and it could basically erupt at any time if triggered. Well, in Obama's stimulus package, he allotted a sum of money to be spent on volcanic research and monitoring. Republicans are up in arms about this. (haha why worry about natural disasters? That's never bit us in the ass before.) Wouldn't that just be the ultimate bitch if Republicans realized how misguided and skewed their perspectives can be if a freaking volcano erupted and killed thousands of people? I mean I hate to think these horrible thoughts, but come on people....PREVENTION!!!!!

I wish people loved a little more freely and were a little bit more honest about their feelings. People should also hug more.

I think that's it for tonight. I have a feeling more will be coming soon.....