Monday, March 2, 2009

Random thoughts

So many random things have been going through my head recently that I haven't been able to sit down and write one blog on one topic. So I guess this is just some random thoughts that have been stirring up some emotion of some sort in me....

So I haven't eaten meat in two months. I am not calling myself a "vegetarian" because it is something that I am still working on and still developing my full thoughts on. I am not eating meat for ethical reasons, and it feels wonderful. I try to live life like Ghandi said "be the change you wish to see in the world." I understand that me (one person) not eating meat and not partaking in the animal cruelty that exists in our culture is not going to make a huge difference, but I also believe that I should know that I am at least acting as I wish every did. So I guess I get some peace in that. Something that I have found incredibly interesting throughout this process of giving up meat is the reaction of other people. It is incredibly laughable at times when people who obviously do not spend much time being concerned about the vitamins they are putting into their body are quick to grill me on how I am getting enough protein and B12. I am really curious how many people think on a daily basis if they got all their nutrients for the day. I also think it is interesting when people get all worked up about ME not eating meat. It's just such a funny situation. I have come to the conclusion that anyone who has that much of a problem with it and takes it personally is basically just having internal turmoil. It is just interesting...

Something else that was brought up today during work was this country's weird relationship with breasts. It is amazing how breasts at one moment can be such wonderful, glorified things. On tv, you can see breasts thrown into every sex scene. When viewed as solely sexual objects, Americans eat that shit up. However, the second a woman uses her breasts to feed her children, she should be ashamed. It's so funny. People don't get all worked up about women flashing their breasts during Mardi Gras at a parade, but if a woman breast feeds in public, she is a disgrace. Bizarre. Think about it people....

I have written three different versions on a blog about love and my struggles with it. I can't seem to put it all into words, so that one is hopefully coming in the near future....

I have decided that I am going to be that crazy person that is standing on the street corners holding a cardboard sign saying "the end is near." Last night when I couldn't sleep (despite having to be up at 3am this morning), I of course found myself watching the history channel. It was a special on Nostradamus and this prophecies. Holy shit. I am freaking out and am slightly convinced that the world is going to end in 3 years. As horrible as it is, I found one thing REALLY funny. One of the prophecies of his is in regards to volcanic activity. Well, apparently Yellowstone is in the freaking red zone (did anyone know this???) and it could basically erupt at any time if triggered. Well, in Obama's stimulus package, he allotted a sum of money to be spent on volcanic research and monitoring. Republicans are up in arms about this. (haha why worry about natural disasters? That's never bit us in the ass before.) Wouldn't that just be the ultimate bitch if Republicans realized how misguided and skewed their perspectives can be if a freaking volcano erupted and killed thousands of people? I mean I hate to think these horrible thoughts, but come on people....PREVENTION!!!!!

I wish people loved a little more freely and were a little bit more honest about their feelings. People should also hug more.

I think that's it for tonight. I have a feeling more will be coming soon.....

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