Wednesday, February 25, 2009

American Idol

Ok, so I admit it. I watch American Idol. Part of the reason is because it serves as excellent bonding time with my roommate, but I will admit it, I enjoy it. However, tonight definitely pissed me off.

Hopefully people will post some of the performances/comments on youtube. Take a few minutes and listen to what the wonderful judges had to say about Jeanine's performance. Ok, so there's no doubt that she butchered a Maroon 5 song. But seriously, all they were talking about were her legs and her lips. How fucking disgusting. I understand the whole pairing a negative comment with a positive one, but the only positive thing they had to say was incredibly sexist. They tore her apart as a person, and she, as a person, was being defined solely by a "hot pair of legs." Vomit.

And I am sick and tired of the gay jokes between Ryan and Simon. Double vomit. The two of them are attempting to put each other down, and the only way they can do so is by attempting to make their sexuality a joke. I just can't even handle it. I can't handle one man attempting to put down another in this way.

This is definitely not on the same track as American Idol, but I am frustrated. I can't stand it when men put other men down by calling them "woman, pussy, cunt, gay, fag, etc." It is so damn misogynistic it makes me sick. Seriously, the only way that you can put another guy down is to call him either gay or to equate him to a woman. Talk about pissing me off. Apparently the worst thing a guy can say to another guy is to call him a woman. Wow...I had no idea it was so horrible to have been born female....


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