Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So this morning I have yet to read any articles that have pissed me off, frustrated me, made me sad, or evoked any feeling worth reading about. However, this morning was a morning of correspondences. After reading a much awaited email from a good friend, I got thinking.

I truly have AMAZING people in my life.

I have been absolutely blessed (hmmm....I need to evaluate my use of this word) with an amazing group of friends. Currently we are spread literally all around the world. The number of people that have touched my life and helped to mold me into some sort of a decent person is astounding. Former professors, bosses, extended "family", pledge sisters, college friends and roommates, travel buddies...

My college roommates always joke that I could write an incredibly fascinating book about the dating life of a 20-something girl. Ha the joke is that over all my "dating" years I have met some of the most amazing people. Guys from all over the world and guys who want to change the world. Haha I also have some incredibly funny stories about unknowingly dating a complete coke head hahaha!!! (Rach and Erin thought you two would laugh at this part)

But so much more interesting than a book about just my relationship encounters, I find my amazing friendships even more intresting. Maybe I just woke up in a great mood because I was wide awake at 7 this morning and the SUN WAS SHINING into my bedroom. Maybe this Caribou coffee is so much better than Folgers that it perked me up. Maybe I was still in a good mood after a fun night of laughing with the roommate.

Regardless of the reason, I just wanted to put it out there that I know some of the most amazing people. They have somehow accepted me despite all my blazing faults. They have been there for me through some absolutely ridiculously hard struggles. They have been my crutch and sanity more times than I could even start to guess. They have challenged me, been honest with me, opened my eyes to SO many different opinions, inspired me and loved me.

Behind every strong woman is a gang of other amazingly strong women (and men).

If anyone wants some book suggestions, here is what I am working on currently.

"Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates" Tom Robbins has not let me down in this one. He is just so original and so hilarious. LOVE HIM!

Finishing up "Palm Sunday" which is just a collection of Vonnegut speeches and essays. The world is not the same without his brilliant mind. (And the brilliant mind of George Carlin - we lost two pretty amazing dissenting opinions in the past couple years....so sad)

Still working my way through "Female Chauvanist Pigs" by Ariel Levy. It is a really easy read, but I am just struggling with understanding her perspective.

My huge bookshelf is taunting me with the number of books up there that still need to be read! But, even worse, I have a gift card to Borders that I am definitely going to go spend soon. Oh and for what it's worth, don't go to borders or barnes and noble (I'm a hypocrite huh? just because I have a gift card!). Find your local used bookstore and go there. I have my favorite in the city and go there pretty much weekly. You'll meet some amazing people and find some great finds for only a few dollars!

1 comment:

  1. Please keep doing this. You are an amazing writer and someday, I hope to make your blog into a book and we can both be rich. You are awesome and I already look forward to reading more of these.....no pressure of course :)
